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a non-anxious presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders, by Mark Sayers | Review by Rosa Byler

“No one dresses up for funerals anymore,” complains a ninety-four-year-old friend. Rudeness goes viral in public forums; conventions are flouted and etiquette ignored. “Experts” in almost any field, bolstered by a chorus of internet yes-voices, insolently contradict authorities of legitimate research and experience. Institutions collapse, undermined by relational and cultural conflicts masquerading as battles for […]
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The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God, by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller | Review by Rosa Byler

Why another marriage book?  With all the Christian material on marriage, from the inspired words of the Apostle Paul to observations by Martin Luther and books by Emerson Eggerichs, one would think it had all been said already.   Yet instructive writing generally reflects the specific strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ era and culture, and […]
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Remaking a Broken World: The Heart of the Bible Story, by Christopher Ash | Review by Rosa Byler

Remaking a Broken World is an overview of the Bible, organized around the themes of gathering and scattering. It is also a compelling case for belonging “in a committed and relational way to an ordinary local church,” which Christopher Ash says may be “the most significant thing you do with your life” (p. 9). While […]
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A Good Old Age: An A to Z of Loving and Following the Lord Jesus in Later Years, by Derek Prime | Review by Rosa Byler

A Good Old Age is unusual in both its method and target audience.  Older people in quest of personal progress don’t usually start with alphabetized lists of desirable qualities; nor does the Christian publishing market abound in specific instruction for those of mature age.  Derek Prime makes a significant contribution to filling that gap in […]
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Delegation: The Key to Scaling and Flourishing

You know (and may frequently have said), “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.” Pause for a moment to reflect on how severely limiting this perspective actually is. It is one of the key reasons that company growth is limited – not just in revenue, but also in profitability, a […]
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Reappearing Church: The Hope for Renewal in the Rise of Our Post-Christian Culture, by Mark Sayers | Review by Rosa Byler

As the cultural landscape shifts around us, Christians can feel fearful and vulnerable.  Media experts triumphantly announce the decline of religion and the progress and freedom brought about by secularism.  Yet Sayers demonstrates from history that revival and renewal have traditionally followed similar times of cultural upheaval and transition.  When crises motivate Christians to a […]
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