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The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World, by Brett McCracken | Review by Rosa Byler

Comparing the intake of knowledge to eating food is no new idea.  Moses draws parallels between daily manna and God’s words; Proverbs’ wisdom invites the simple to a banquet; newborn Christians thrive on milk while the more mature enjoy meat.  Brett McCracken furthers this analogy with the food pyramid, a design familiar to moderns concerned […]
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A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible: Seeing and Knowing God’s Word, by Tim Challies and Josh Byers | Review by Rosa Byler

No one would dispute the biblical illiteracy of our culture at large, but how many Christians share that ignorance?  Barna Group polls, among others, suggest that reverence for the Bible does not always result in reading it regularly.  Confusion about how the various books fit together is a common problem, as well as a general […]
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Teach Them To Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children, by Mary Beeke | Review by Rosa Byler

No children were on the scene when God gave Adam the responsibility of “dressing and keeping” the garden. However, those original first-time parents must have soon realized what all parents learn: their offspring did not instinctively know how or even want to participate in that mandate. Training children to accomplish tasks, see the value of […]
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Rest & Reflection: Is It Optional?

I admit it. I really don’t care for winters, even the relatively mild ones we have here in Virginia. The combination of colder weather and short days wears on me. I’m quite certain this has been exacerbated by having spent most of my life in an industry that tends toward negative cash flow during the […]
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The Peacemaking Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict, by Alfred Poirier | Review by Rosa Byler

Alfred Poirier’s introduction is forthright: “Christ is the reason many enter the pastorate. Conflict is the reason many leave.” The frequency of church conflicts should not surprise us, he says, as much as the fact that “churches, Bible colleges, and seminaries alike provide little if any pastoral training in how to address these conflicts.” (9-10) […]
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Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World, by Kathy Koch | Review by Rosa Byler

Screens and Teens’ author Kathy Koch (pronounced “cook”) joins a growing body of both Christian and secular professionals seeking to evaluate the effects of technology overuse.  Koch briefly describes possible consequences, the main ones being decreased memory, distraction, and diminished ability to concentrate.  Use of technology can train or retrain neurons, the brain’s “conduits of […]
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